urn:noticeable:projects:WYO8CZGPadfWDRRYjcbYWistia Updateswistia.com2024-07-02T15:43:28.942ZCopyright © WistiaNoticeablehttps://storage.noticeable.io/projects/WYO8CZGPadfWDRRYjcbY/newspages/YTpQPYoTPiDII3gSqhSn/01h55ta3gsxvhf8gy6b6hyfc70-header-logo.pnghttps://storage.noticeable.io/projects/WYO8CZGPadfWDRRYjcbY/newspages/YTpQPYoTPiDII3gSqhSn/01h55ta3gsxvhf8gy6b6hyfc70-header-logo.png#3363e7urn:noticeable:publications:M9brbvVbHIwdMUu7dkhC2024-07-02T15:43:01.773Z2024-07-02T15:43:28.942Z 🔗 Retroactively Sync Live Event Registrants to MAPsNow, when you connect a Marketing Automation Platform (MAP) list to your Wistia registration form for the first time, switch to a new list, or use the 'Disconnect From List' option and reconnect to a new one, Wistia will retroactively sync<p><span style="color: rgb(29, 28, 29);">Now, when you connect a Marketing Automation Platform (MAP) list to your Wistia registration form for the first time, switch to a new list, or use the 'Disconnect From List' option and reconnect to a new one, Wistia will retroactively sync any preexisting registrant data for the event to the new list. No more piecemeal data management or manual imports—this new capability makes it all a breeze! Plus, it's available for all MAP integrations, including HubSpot, Pardot, and Marketo.</span></p><p style="text-align: center;"><span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 255);"> </span></p><figure><img src="https://storage.noticeable.io/projects/WYO8CZGPadfWDRRYjcbY/publications/M9brbvVbHIwdMUu7dkhC/01j1r6r35nadhkeqhtzt09eaaj-image.png" alt="" height="372.6864988558353" loading="lazy" title="" width="464.00000000000006"></figure> <figure><img src="https://storage.noticeable.io/projects/WYO8CZGPadfWDRRYjcbY/publications/M9brbvVbHIwdMUu7dkhC/01j1r6ta6zxw05e58hjdyv8pm4-image.png" alt="" height="376.16590389016017" loading="lazy" title="" width="468.99999999999994"></figure><p></p><p>Just head on over to the Registrants page for your Live event and literally click on ‘Connect’ to connect!</p>KO[email protected]urn:noticeable:publications:AZA1k63cZV8ksp4XXZs02024-06-03T19:03:48.980Z2024-06-03T19:26:28.092Z🔦 Updates for stress-free webinarsWistia Live makes hosting webinars easy—and dare we say, even fun?<p><a href="https://wistia.com/learn/product-updates/product-spotlight-may-2024?utm_source=noticeable&amp;utm_campaign=wyo8czgpadfwdrryjcby.updates-for-stress-free-webinars&amp;utm_content=publication+link&amp;utm_id=WYO8CZGPadfWDRRYjcbY.YTpQPYoTPiDII3gSqhSn.AZA1k63cZV8ksp4XXZs0&amp;utm_medium=newspage" rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank"></a></p><figure><a href="https://wistia.com/learn/product-updates/product-spotlight-may-2024?utm_source=noticeable&amp;utm_campaign=wyo8czgpadfwdrryjcby.updates-for-stress-free-webinars&amp;utm_content=publication+link&amp;utm_id=WYO8CZGPadfWDRRYjcbY.YTpQPYoTPiDII3gSqhSn.AZA1k63cZV8ksp4XXZs0&amp;utm_medium=newspage" rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank"><img src="https://storage.noticeable.io/projects/WYO8CZGPadfWDRRYjcbY/publications/AZA1k63cZV8ksp4XXZs0/01hzfq2gxd1jbny34n0zkrwp6g-image.png" alt="" loading="lazy" title=""></a></figure><p></p><p>May flew by, bringing more than 10 updates to Wistia Live that will keep you calm, cool, and collected on your next webinar. We’re talkin’ more panelists, more analytics, and more control. </p>Courtney Lefferts[email protected]urn:noticeable:publications:lST9cn8r3DCff7Ff3h4B2024-05-23T16:05:35.749Z2024-05-23T16:05:55.503Z➕ Add more account ownersAs an account owner in Wistia, you can monitor your account, upload logos, change billing info, and a whole lot more. And thanks to this update, you can now share the power with your teammates. That means, you’re in control, but you don’t<p><span style="color: #000000;">As an account owner in Wistia, you can monitor your account, upload logos, change billing info, and a whole lot more. And thanks to this update, you can now share the power with your teammates. That means, you’re in control, but you don’t have to manage your account alone.&nbsp;</span></p><p><span style="color: #000000;">Now you can have a </span><strong><span style="color: #000000;">maximum of three account owners</span></strong><span style="color: #000000;">.&nbsp;</span><br></p><p><span style="color: #000000;">Owners can do everything users and managers can do, plus:</span></p><ul><li><p><span style="color: #000000;">Monitor the usage of the account (bandwidth and videos)</span></p></li><li><p><span style="color: #000000;">Change the account logo, name, and URL</span></p></li><li><p><span style="color: #000000;">Connect/disconnect integrations</span></p></li><li><p><span style="color: #000000;">Create API keys</span></p></li><li><p><span style="color: #000000;">Purchase upgrade, or downgrade a subscription</span></p></li><li><p><span style="color: #000000;">Update billing information</span></p></li><li><p><span style="color: #000000;">Change account status</span></p></li><li><p><span style="color: #000000;">Control video and account access&nbsp;</span></p></li></ul><p><span style="color: #000000;">If you’re currently an account owner, you can start adding additional owners today. Just head on over to the “Users and Permissions” page to get started.</span></p><p><span style="color: #000000;">-Team Wistia</span></p>Ariana Kornblau[email protected]urn:noticeable:publications:MHd78eAyOIPfxDdzrNZ82024-05-06T20:09:16.171Z2024-05-06T20:39:24.620Z⏫ Import more from YouTube (100+)We've updated our trusty YouTube integration so you can import even more videos.<p><span style="color: #000000;">We’ve updated our trusty Wistia + Youtube Integration, making it easier to manage big libraries.</span></p><p><strong><span style="color: #000000;">Biggest news first:</span></strong><span style="color: #000000;"> We’ve removed the import limit! That means you can import more than 100 videos right into Wistia. We also made it easier for you to import from multiple channels within the same account.</span></p><p><strong><span style="color: #000000;">Best news next:</span></strong><span style="color: #000000;"> Importing from YouTube is available on all plans. Connect your integration today to get the best of both worlds—YouTube’s reach and Wistia’s lead-generation perks.</span></p><p><span style="color: #000000;">Thanks!</span><br><span style="color: #000000;">-Team Wistia</span></p>Ariana Kornblau[email protected]urn:noticeable:publications:aq2JfQAGqLykqlBLaYtE2024-05-03T20:21:11.088Z2024-05-03T20:21:18.559Z🔦 ICYMI: Last month's updatesMore videos. Fewer problems. From branding at your fingertips to SEO benefits, we’ve got it all in this update.<p></p><figure><img src="https://storage.noticeable.io/projects/WYO8CZGPadfWDRRYjcbY/publications/aq2JfQAGqLykqlBLaYtE/01hx01erz0maqc17kc9as7hd39-image.jpg" alt="" loading="lazy" title=""></figure><p></p><p><span style="color: #000000;">April was all about </span><a href="https://wistia.com/learn/product-updates/product-spotlight-april-2024?utm_source=noticeable&amp;utm_campaign=wyo8czgpadfwdrryjcby.icymi-last-months-updates&amp;utm_content=publication+link&amp;utm_id=WYO8CZGPadfWDRRYjcbY.YTpQPYoTPiDII3gSqhSn.aq2JfQAGqLykqlBLaYtE&amp;utm_medium=newspage" rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank"><span style="color: #000000;">enhancing your video creation and management</span></a><span style="color: #000000;"> experience! Dive into the latest—including our new clip manager for streamlined recording, a dynamic brand kit for consistent styling, and automatic video resizing tailored for every social platform. Plus, discover how embedded transcripts can boost both accessibility and your SEO. </span></p>Courtney Lefferts[email protected]urn:noticeable:publications:CLPiGbgPBLQUS9jBYLrf2024-03-12T16:20:10.304Z2024-03-12T16:20:15.212Z📊 Track Live Attendee Data by UTM ParametersWe're excited to announce an enhancement to Live Registration Analytics 🚀 Our latest feature lets you dive deeper into your insights, tackling the challenge of measuring your campaign effectiveness in driving event registrations and<p>We're excited to announce an enhancement to Live Registration Analytics 🚀 Our latest feature lets you dive deeper into your insights, tackling the challenge of measuring your campaign effectiveness in driving event registrations and attendance. </p><p>Now, you can <strong>track the total number of Attendees associated with specific UTM parameters</strong>—Campaign, Source, and Medium—this addition empowers all of you event planners and marketers out there to accurately gauge the effectiveness of your promotional efforts, allowing for informed decisions to elevate event planning strategies.</p><p>By helping you understand marketing campaign effectiveness, you can better optimize your strategies, allocate resources efficiently, and ultimately enhance the overall success of your events. Say goodbye to guesswork and hello to data-driven decisions!</p><p></p><figure><img src="https://storage.noticeable.io/projects/WYO8CZGPadfWDRRYjcbY/publications/CLPiGbgPBLQUS9jBYLrf/01hrskj3ab5q2n857c82teh89t-image.png" alt="" height="729.3089244851259" loading="lazy" title="" width="681"></figure><p></p>KO[email protected]urn:noticeable:publications:oWJ74wlLTFMZIcgCokcd2024-02-22T22:51:49.420Z2024-02-27T20:51:16.203Z⧉ Need to duplicate a live event? Copy that! We’re making it easier to scale your webinars with the ability to duplicate live events. Now, you can copy any scheduled or completed live event to create a new one with the same title, description, and branding as the original! Whether a<p><span style="color: #000000;">We’re making it easier to scale your webinars with the ability to duplicate live events. Now, you can copy any </span><strong><span style="color: #000000;">scheduled or completed</span></strong><span style="color: #000000;"> live event to create a new one with the same title, description, and branding as the original!</span></p><p><span style="color: #000000;">Whether a weekly onboarding webinar or a monthly co-branded event, you can quickly set up an event in seconds without all the manual effort. Since copying creates a brand-new event, all registrant data and analytics will start fresh.</span></p>Delphine Mahos[email protected]urn:noticeable:publications:yc4MEnIujIByqybWY96o2024-02-02T13:45:12.289Z2024-02-02T13:45:15.199Z🎬 Panelist management made easierWe’ve made it even easier for Hosts to produce live events by introducing a new way to manage their presenters.  You no longer need to rely on navigating through Panelist menus below the stage for tasks like muting, pinning, or taking<p><span style="color: #000000;">We’ve made it even easier for Hosts to produce live events by introducing a new way to manage their presenters.&nbsp;</span></p><p><span style="color: #000000;">You no longer need to rely on navigating through Panelist menus below the stage for tasks like muting, pinning, or taking presenters off-stage. Now, you can effortlessly handle all these actions directly from convenient buttons right on the stage.</span></p><p>Happy hosting!</p>Delphine Mahos[email protected]urn:noticeable:publications:ObASkkkR1Jeei8DpjiTL2024-01-25T18:51:23.961Z2024-01-25T18:52:54.045Z🎨 Apply color changes in bulkUpdate the player color on a bunch of your videos—all at once!<p>Player colors a little all over the place? Now you can create a cohesive look across your content library. <br><br><strong>To change your player color via bulk actions:</strong></p><ol><li><p> Simply head to a folder. </p></li><li><p>Select all the videos you want to adjust. </p></li><li><p>Pick your player color, and that’s it! </p></li></ol><p>We hope this little change makes a big impact on your customization workflow. Keep an eye out for more exciting, brand-forward updates to come. <br><br>Thanks!<br><br>The Wistia Team</p>Robin[email protected]urn:noticeable:publications:Niq8ZJ5bZgtSEeLfes5l2024-01-10T20:28:55.229Z2024-01-10T20:28:59.424Z📊 Send video events to multiple Web Data Streams in Google Analytics Our latest release allows you to effortlessly send video events to multiple web data streams using your existing Google Analytics configurations on video pages. Unlock a deeper level of insight by seamlessly tracking video events across<p>Our latest release allows you to effortlessly send video events to multiple web data streams using your existing Google Analytics configurations on video pages. Unlock a deeper level of insight by seamlessly tracking video events across various web data streams simultaneously. Here's why it matters:</p><ol><li><p><span style="color: rgb(209, 213, 219);">🎯 </span><strong><span style="color: var(--tw-prose-bold);">Granular Analysis:</span></strong> Capture nuanced user interactions by directing video event data to specific streams, allowing for fine-grained analysis and tailored insights.</p></li><li><p><span style="color: rgb(209, 213, 219);">🔄 </span><strong><span style="color: var(--tw-prose-bold);">Optimized Strategy:</span></strong> Tailor your analytics approach to match different sections or platforms on your website, empowering strategic decision-making based on context-specific video performance metrics.</p></li><li><p><span style="color: rgb(209, 213, 219);">📊 </span><strong><span style="color: var(--tw-prose-bold);">Unified View:</span></strong> Consolidate video data across streams for a holistic view of user behavior, enabling you to identify trends and opportunities that may have been overlooked in a siloed approach.</p></li><li><p><span style="color: rgb(209, 213, 219);">🛠️ </span><strong><span style="color: var(--tw-prose-bold);">Flexibility and Control:</span></strong> Gain the power to adapt your analytics strategy dynamically, ensuring that you're always aligned with evolving business objectives.</p></li></ol><p>Ready to supercharge your analytics? Connect your Google Analytics with Wistia and enable the “Use page GA configuration” setting to send video event data for multiple streams, and uncover a wealth of insights for informed decision-making. Happy Analyzing! 🚀📊</p>KO[email protected]