Wistia Updates

Improvements to Customize Save & Navigation Experience

by Meg Salisbury
Today we released a significant improvement to Customize for Audio and Video medias in Wistia. What you experienced before is the Save and Navigation flow within Customize that we have had for a few years - a side nav that enabled you...

Updates to Save and Discard in the Customize panel

by Meg Salisbury
Today we released an update that moves Save & Discard to the top of the Customize side panel. Previously, you had to scroll to find these options, which may have resulted in lost changes. Additionally, we anchored the Accessibility...

Channel Custom Font Application Updates

by Meg Salisbury
Today we're releasing an update to how Custom Fonts in Channels are applied - making them more consistent across your Channels for maximum brand impact while also using our core font where needed to support Accessibility and responsive...

New Video Customize and Channel Editor Options

by Meg Salisbury
We've rolled out three new updates to Wistia - an option to manage transcripts for your videos, control their appearance in Channel embeds, and an update to our default alignment behavior in Channel embeds. Video Transcripts When we...

Updates to Channels

by Meg Salisbury
Today we deployed a few changes to our Channels. Changed "Start watching" to "Play" This adjustment reduces button size and addresses feedback we've received about the button copy. Note that if you have a trailer on your Channel, you...

Resumable Video Updates

by Meg Salisbury
Following up on our Resumable Video and Viewer Preferences features here we have released additional updates. Videos no longer Resume if your viewers are returning to your content and would be resuming the video within the first 10...

New Log In Page

by Josh Johnson
Our new log in page has more room to learn about what's new at Wistia.
New Feature

Video color improvements

by Kristin Bagnoli
We recently released an update that improves the handling of video color during our encoding process. That means the colors of the Wistia derivatives are more accurate to your original version. Any videos uploaded after December 16...
New Feature

Use your own font in Channels

by Molly, Product @ Wistia
New Feature
Advanced Plan
When you embed a Channel on your site, it can now take on the font you use across the rest of your pages! Use our developer documentation to set the font of your channel to one that is hosted on your site. P.S. It's now easier to see...