urn:noticeable:projects:WYO8CZGPadfWDRRYjcbYWistia Updateswistia.com2024-04-24T17:00:10.237ZCopyright © WistiaNoticeablehttps://storage.noticeable.io/projects/WYO8CZGPadfWDRRYjcbY/newspages/YTpQPYoTPiDII3gSqhSn/01h55ta3gsxvhf8gy6b6hyfc70-header-logo.pnghttps://storage.noticeable.io/projects/WYO8CZGPadfWDRRYjcbY/newspages/YTpQPYoTPiDII3gSqhSn/01h55ta3gsxvhf8gy6b6hyfc70-header-logo.png#3363e7urn:noticeable:publications:zcUcJZVUXNky2QwKS90A2024-04-24T14:10:53.009Z2024-04-24T17:00:10.237Z📢 Wistia Live is now available on our Pro Plan!If you’re making webinars, you’ll love this update. We just made it a lot easier to use Wistia Live to host engaging webinars with less stress.  With Wistia Live now available on the Pro Plan, we’ve opened up access to our powerful and<p><span style="color: #000000;">If you’re making webinars, you’ll love this update. We just made it a lot easier to use Wistia Live to host engaging webinars with less stress.&nbsp;</span></p><p><span style="color: #000000;">With Wistia Live now available on the Pro Plan, we’ve opened up access to our powerful and easy-to-use webinar features. We built Wistia Live for businesses that want to pull off events seamlessly and have them look good, too. On the Pro Plan, you can capture leads, engage your audience, and pull actionable insights all in one place.&nbsp;</span></p><p><span style="color: #000000;">If you want to take your webinars to the next level, we’ve got you there, too! On our Advanced and Premium Plans you get everything on Pro and even more to support your strategy. Control the look and feel of your events, customizing every aspect of your webinar, from registration to replay including fonts, colors, and logos. Already on an elite webinar-hosting level? On Advanced and Premium, you can invite more attendees, host longer events, and integrate your data seamlessly with marketing automation platforms like&nbsp; HubSpot, Adobe Marketo Engage, and Pardot.</span></p><p><span style="color: #000000;">From Pro to Premium, with Wistia Live, you get what you need to pull off the best webinars for your business. </span></p><p><span style="color: #000000;">Learn more about </span><a href="https://wistia.com/product/live-streaming?utm_source=noticeable&amp;utm_campaign=wyo8czgpadfwdrryjcby.wistia-live-is-now-available-on-our-pro-plan-1&amp;utm_content=publication+link&amp;utm_id=WYO8CZGPadfWDRRYjcbY.YTpQPYoTPiDII3gSqhSn.zcUcJZVUXNky2QwKS90A&amp;utm_medium=newspage" rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank" title="webinars and live streaming with Wistia"><span style="color: #000000;"><span style="text-decoration: underline">transforming your webinars with Wistia here</span></span></a><span style="color: #000000;">.</span></p><p></p><figure><img src="https://storage.noticeable.io/projects/WYO8CZGPadfWDRRYjcbY/publications/zcUcJZVUXNky2QwKS90A/01hw8692f83dc54mjeks0ryyvs-image.jpg" alt="feature grid highlighting wistia live feature availability across plans with associated limits for event duration and attendees" loading="lazy" title="wistia live features available by plan"></figure><p></p>Caitlin Kullberg[email protected]urn:noticeable:publications:SPXSvAmi94XINMwEAKtu2024-04-11T14:21:59.147Z2024-04-11T14:22:11.221Z💬 Embed your video transcriptsWe’ve made it even easier to set up the ideal video experience for your viewers - whether that’s on Wistia or on your own website. Since introducing transcripts on media pages, we have found that they are an extremely helpful reference<p>We’ve made it even easier to set up the ideal video experience for your viewers - whether that’s on Wistia or on your own website.</p><p>Since introducing transcripts on media pages, we have found that they are an extremely helpful reference point when watching video - to more easily follow along with the content, to get a quick overview, or to navigate to specific parts of the video.</p><p>We are now offering that same experience for videos hosted on your website - simply navigate to the existing embed modal and you’ll now see the option to embed the video transcript.</p><p>Check out our <a href="https://docs.wistia.com/docs/transcript-embeds?utm_source=noticeable&amp;utm_campaign=wyo8czgpadfwdrryjcby.embed-your-video-transcripts-1&amp;utm_content=publication+link&amp;utm_id=WYO8CZGPadfWDRRYjcbY.YTpQPYoTPiDII3gSqhSn.SPXSvAmi94XINMwEAKtu&amp;utm_medium=newspage" rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank" title="documentation">documentation</a> for more on setup and styling options.</p><p>- Team Wistia</p>Robin Shin[email protected]urn:noticeable:publications:uRBHsFIb3uLve4qFnWOs2024-04-03T16:40:56.188Z2024-04-04T11:14:23.080Z🔦 Your March 2024 product updateWe tuned into your feedback to turn out some often-requested features.<p><span style="color: rgb(13, 13, 13);">Hacka-what? </span><span style="color: rgb(55, 55, 60);">We recently hosted a three-day hackathon (like a development sprint!) to turn your requests into action. And for this month’s Product Spotlight, we’re sharing what we tackled during this fast and furious event. </span></p><p><span style="color: rgb(55, 55, 60);">We love your feedback here at Wistia. From the things you love to the things that drive you nuts, your feedback pushes us to innovate so we can help every business thrive with video. That’s why we’re especially pumped to show you what we released. </span><span style="color: #000000;">Want all the deets? </span><a href="https://wistia.com/learn/product-updates/product-spotlight-march-2024?utm_source=noticeable&amp;utm_campaign=wyo8czgpadfwdrryjcby.your-product-update&amp;utm_content=publication+link&amp;utm_id=WYO8CZGPadfWDRRYjcbY.YTpQPYoTPiDII3gSqhSn.uRBHsFIb3uLve4qFnWOs&amp;utm_medium=newspage#managing-content-made-easier" rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank" title="Head to the blog!"><span style="color: #000000;">Head to the blog!</span></a></p>Courtney Lefferts[email protected]urn:noticeable:publications:ZRT3gsmtXVMD6Wtghd9n2024-03-29T18:11:17.613Z2024-03-29T18:11:23.361Z📺 One media. All the Wistia Channels.We’ve been hard at work over here at Wistia to make our Channels feature a better experience for all of our users. Now a single media can be published and distributed throughout multiple Wistia Channels, without making a single copy. (Did<p><span style="color: #000000;">We’ve been hard at work over here at Wistia to make our Channels feature a better experience for all of our users. Now a single media can be published and distributed throughout multiple Wistia Channels, without making a single copy. (Did we just hear you cheer?) Let’s dig into the deets.</span></p><p></p><figure><img src="https://storage.noticeable.io/projects/WYO8CZGPadfWDRRYjcbY/publications/ZRT3gsmtXVMD6Wtghd9n/01ht5pdfgmqn6xr8knpfz48y1p-image.png" alt="" height="1053.9359267734553" loading="lazy" title="" width="530"></figure><br><strong><span style="color: #000000;">One media to rule them all</span></strong><p></p><p><span style="color: #000000;">Think of the relationship like a playlist on your favorite streaming app. Now you can publish one media in multiple locations and Channels. Simplicity at its finest.</span></p><p><br><strong><span style="color: #000000;">Folders as your new home base</span></strong></p><p><span style="color: #000000;">Instead of having your media spread across different parts of the app, you now have one centralized space to manage your content. Once your media is in a folder, you can reference it in any Channel or embed it anywhere.&nbsp;</span></p><p><br><strong><span style="color: #000000;">Savings on media limits</span></strong></p><p><span style="color: #000000;">Instead of copies on copies (that can get expensive, quickly), now you can have one media that’s referenced in lots of places. Similar to your embed locations, you’ll be able to see what Channels a media is referenced in, alongside all those other great locations.</span></p><p></p><p>Cheers!</p><p><span style="color: rgb(42, 45, 53);">- The Wistia Team</span></p>Ariana Kornblau[email protected]urn:noticeable:publications:8Q7KEgV7Ibz0yZl3BnBd2024-03-28T13:56:29.485Z2024-03-28T13:56:34.002Z🎨 The whole brand kit and caboodleSet it and forget it! We've made it super easy to maintain brand consistency.<p>Your brand kit in Wistia offers a <em>brand</em> new, powerful way to <strong>apply your business’s branding</strong> across all your video assets. We’ve made it delightfully easy to ensure your colors, fonts, and logos are always consistent and are available when you go to customize your media.</p><p>So, what’s included? You can set your:</p><ul><li><p><span style="color: #000000;">Colors 💅</span></p></li><li><p><span style="color: #000000;">Fonts&nbsp;✍️</span></p></li><li><p><span style="color: #000000;">Logos 👋</span></p></li></ul><p><span style="color: #000000;">Your selections will be saved at the account level. Next, anywhere you customize today, you’ll see your brand kit show up! We’ve made it less manual and a lot easier to maintain your brand consistency. Stay tuned for more as we continue to bring the brand kit throughout more of Wistia. </span></p><p>-Team Wistia</p>Robin Shin[email protected]urn:noticeable:publications:z4PEOe0FJWKKqUpPShlN2024-03-22T19:51:25.993Z2024-03-22T19:51:28.595Z🤯 Translate transcripts in a clickYour content is about to go international.<p>We're absolutely pumped to announce this sweet, sweet update to help you reach a global audience effortlessly. Now, with Wistia, you can seamlessly translate your transcripts into multiple languages and offer a truly inclusive viewing experience to your audience. All it takes is a click. Let’s dive into everything you can do with this update.</p><p><strong>What's new?</strong></p><ul><li><p>Translate transcripts into a language of your choice</p></li><li><p>Create multiple translations for a single transcript</p></li><li><p>Display translated transcripts as multi-language caption options</p></li><li><p>Choose which transcript to display in the Media Page</p></li></ul><p><strong>How It Works:</strong></p><ol><li><p>Navigate to your Media Page and click on the Transcript Panel.</p><p></p><figure><img src="https://storage.noticeable.io/projects/WYO8CZGPadfWDRRYjcbY/publications/z4PEOe0FJWKKqUpPShlN/01hskqyv1ecqpwmx3abkgbwws6-image.png" alt="" loading="lazy" title=""></figure><p></p></li><li><p>From the Drop-Down Menu, select the "Create New Translation" button.</p></li><li><p>Choose your desired language from the list or search for it.<br></p><figure><img src="https://storage.noticeable.io/projects/WYO8CZGPadfWDRRYjcbY/publications/z4PEOe0FJWKKqUpPShlN/01hskqzqa4z39kszf96rvv98sa-image.png" alt="" loading="lazy" title=""></figure><p></p></li><li><p>Once selected, the UI will refresh automatically upon completion of the translation, showcasing the translated transcript in the panel.</p></li><li><p>The newly translated transcript is also instantly available as a caption option in the Media Player.<br></p><figure><img src="https://storage.noticeable.io/projects/WYO8CZGPadfWDRRYjcbY/publications/z4PEOe0FJWKKqUpPShlN/01hskr1q4x1hnan1ndtp7twh05-image.png" alt="" loading="lazy" title=""></figure><p></p></li><li><p>Easily switch between languages by selecting the "Select Language" button from the Transcript Panel's dropdown menu.<br></p><figure><img src="https://storage.noticeable.io/projects/WYO8CZGPadfWDRRYjcbY/publications/z4PEOe0FJWKKqUpPShlN/01hskveqp1q85290rkt3775fcf-image.gif" alt="" loading="lazy" title=""></figure><p></p></li></ol><p>Language should never be a barrier to interacting with your brand. By offering seamless translation capabilities, we're empowering you to connect with diverse audiences without the hassle or expense of external tools.</p><p>This marks the beginning of a new era in video accessibility and global outreach. Start translating your content today and unlock the full potential of your audience reach with Wistia! 🌍✨<br></p><p>Thanks!</p><p>谢谢 </p><p>merci</p><p>धन्यवाद </p><p>danke</p><p>شكرا </p><p><br>The Wistia Team</p>Yooni Choi[email protected]urn:noticeable:publications:EWXVtPmYzWJSzwKjMpWf2024-03-20T15:31:04.033Z2024-03-22T19:51:54.493Z⏰ Time Zone Picker for Live EventsSay goodbye to time zone headaches with our latest feature - introducing Time Zone Picker for Live Events!<p><strong><span style="color: rgb(13, 13, 13);">New Feature Alert: Introducing Time Zone Picker for Live Events!</span><br></strong>We’re excited to share a new feature that allows hosts to set the time zone for their Wistia live events!</p><p><strong>What’s New?<br></strong><span style="color: rgb(13, 13, 13);">Now, hosts have the flexibility to select the desired time zone for their Live Events.</span></p><p><span style="color: rgb(13, 13, 13);">Simply start by creating a new Live Event. From there, you'll find the option to search and designate the preferred time zone.<br></span></p><figure><img src="https://storage.noticeable.io/projects/WYO8CZGPadfWDRRYjcbY/publications/EWXVtPmYzWJSzwKjMpWf/01hse7jst38wz5en66n9evpjeh-image.gif" alt="" loading="lazy" title=""></figure><p></p><p>If you change your mind, y<span style="color: rgb(13, 13, 13);">ou can conveniently adjust the time zone directly from the Overview page of your Live Event.<br></span></p><figure><img src="https://storage.noticeable.io/projects/WYO8CZGPadfWDRRYjcbY/publications/EWXVtPmYzWJSzwKjMpWf/01hse7k8nkmf0z7pxa11x4n90g-image.png" alt="" loading="lazy" title=""></figure><p></p><p><strong><span style="color: var(--tw-prose-bold);">Stay On Top of Time Zones!</span></strong><span style="color: rgb(13, 13, 13);"><br>As a Host or Panelist, keeping track of time zones is now easier than ever. The selected time zone will prominently display in the top corner of your Set Up page, ensuring clarity and accuracy throughout the event setup.<br></span></p><figure><img src="https://storage.noticeable.io/projects/WYO8CZGPadfWDRRYjcbY/publications/EWXVtPmYzWJSzwKjMpWf/01hse7kt3jh15kqxswkf76y40x-image.png" alt="" loading="lazy" title=""></figure><p></p><p><strong><span style="color: rgb(13, 13, 13);">Communication Made Clear</span></strong><span style="color: rgb(13, 13, 13);"><br>Any communication regarding the Live Event, including emails, will prominently display the designated time zone in the body of the message. Say goodbye to time zone ambiguity!<br></span></p><figure><img src="https://storage.noticeable.io/projects/WYO8CZGPadfWDRRYjcbY/publications/EWXVtPmYzWJSzwKjMpWf/01hse7m5wh83qc04mzpkb0jpbc-image.png" alt="" loading="lazy" title=""></figure><p></p><p><strong><span style="color: rgb(13, 13, 13);">A Note for Attendees<br></span></strong><span style="color: rgb(13, 13, 13);">While the Registration Page and Form will showcase the time selected by the Host, it will adjust automatically to the time zone of the viewer's browser, ensuring a seamless experience for all participants.<br></span></p><figure><img src="https://storage.noticeable.io/projects/WYO8CZGPadfWDRRYjcbY/publications/EWXVtPmYzWJSzwKjMpWf/01hse7nhm1baqejdqmbh4k66m9-image.png" alt="" loading="lazy" title=""></figure><p></p><p><span style="color: rgb(13, 13, 13);">We're excited to roll out this enhancement, making event planning and participation smoother and more convenient for our users. Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to enhance your experience with Wistia Live Events!</span></p><p><em><span style="color: rgb(42, 45, 53);">Wistia Live is available to users on our new </span><a href="https://my.wistia.com/account/plans?utm_source=noticeable&amp;utm_campaign=wyo8czgpadfwdrryjcby.thriving-with-archiving-media&amp;utm_content=publication+link&amp;utm_id=WYO8CZGPadfWDRRYjcbY.YTpQPYoTPiDII3gSqhSn.MSQLTB7IUjdIcqPEGrsA&amp;utm_medium=newspage&amp;utm_source=noticeable&amp;utm_campaign=wyo8czgpadfwdrryjcby.bulk-archive-via-api&amp;utm_content=publication+link&amp;utm_id=WYO8CZGPadfWDRRYjcbY.YTpQPYoTPiDII3gSqhSn.EDvuHbpRvnXPFbXpguvY&amp;utm_medium=newspage"><span style="color: var(--accent-color,#0a7de0);"><span style="text-decoration: underline">Advanced and Premium Plans</span></span></a><span style="color: rgb(42, 45, 53);">! Don’t have one of these plans? </span><a href="https://my.wistia.com/account/plans?utm_source=noticeable&amp;utm_campaign=wyo8czgpadfwdrryjcby.thriving-with-archiving-media&amp;utm_content=publication+link&amp;utm_id=WYO8CZGPadfWDRRYjcbY.YTpQPYoTPiDII3gSqhSn.MSQLTB7IUjdIcqPEGrsA&amp;utm_medium=newspage&amp;utm_source=noticeable&amp;utm_campaign=wyo8czgpadfwdrryjcby.bulk-archive-via-api&amp;utm_content=publication+link&amp;utm_id=WYO8CZGPadfWDRRYjcbY.YTpQPYoTPiDII3gSqhSn.EDvuHbpRvnXPFbXpguvY&amp;utm_medium=newspage"><span style="color: var(--accent-color,#0a7de0);"><span style="text-decoration: underline">Make the switch, or start a trial to le</span></span></a><a href="https://my.wistia.com/account/plans?utm_source=noticeable&amp;utm_campaign=wyo8czgpadfwdrryjcby.thriving-with-archiving-media&amp;utm_content=publication+link&amp;utm_id=WYO8CZGPadfWDRRYjcbY.YTpQPYoTPiDII3gSqhSn.MSQLTB7IUjdIcqPEGrsA&amp;utm_medium=newspage&amp;utm_source=noticeable&amp;utm_campaign=wyo8czgpadfwdrryjcby.bulk-archive-via-api&amp;utm_content=publication+link&amp;utm_id=WYO8CZGPadfWDRRYjcbY.YTpQPYoTPiDII3gSqhSn.EDvuHbpRvnXPFbXpguvY&amp;utm_medium=newspage" rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank"><span style="color: var(--accent-color,#0a7de0);"><span style="text-decoration: underline">arn more.</span></span></a></em></p><p>-The Wistia Team</p>Yooni Choi[email protected]urn:noticeable:publications:NbnxCPQ8evScc0B2WiUk2024-03-20T14:37:32.771Z2024-03-20T14:37:36.702Z📱Resize your videos for socialGot a video that would be perfect for social, but it doesn’t quite fit the grid? Maybe you want to share a snippet from your most recent webinar, but it’s not the right size for a LinkedIn post. Thanks to our latest feature, you can now<p><span style="color: #000000;">Got a video that would be perfect for social, but it doesn’t quite fit the grid? Maybe you want to share a snippet from your most recent webinar, but it’s not the right size for a LinkedIn post. Thanks to our latest feature, you can now resize your videos with a single click, ensuring they look polished and professional no matter where you share them.&nbsp;</span></p><p><br><span style="color: #000000;">To get started, just open up the editor from any video in your account, and you’ll see a new dropdown right below the video preview. From here, you can easily adjust the aspect ratio to suit your preferences. Whether you're aiming for the cinematic appeal of </span><strong><span style="color: #000000;">horizontal</span></strong><span style="color: #000000;">, the snug fit of </span><strong><span style="color: #000000;">square</span></strong><span style="color: #000000;">, or the mobile-friendly charm of </span><strong><span style="color: #000000;">vertical</span></strong><span style="color: #000000;">, it's all just a click away. Once you choose an aspect ratio, it’ll apply to your entire video, ensuring that every clip seamlessly aligns with your chosen format.</span></p><p><br><span style="color: #000000;">Get more value out of the content you already have by resizing it and resharing it on new platforms.<br><br>This feature is available on all plans, so get in there and check it out today. Happy editing!</span></p>Delphine Mahos[email protected]urn:noticeable:publications:hwNQZmuvgBVjNJicOcRG2024-03-19T16:40:35.598Z2024-03-22T19:52:06.010Z🎁 Present Media during a Live EventSeamlessly play videos directly from your Wistia account during live events.<p><strong><span style="color: rgb(13, 13, 13);">A new way to present media during a Live Event!<br></span></strong><span style="color: rgb(13, 13, 13);">Hosts rejoice! Now you can seamlessly play videos directly from your Wistia account during live events. Wave goodbye to those laggy screen shares and the hassle of juggling multiple tabs just to share your content with audio. 🎉 With this latest feature, you can curate a playlist of your favorite Wistia videos for each live event, elevating both the quality of playback and viewing experience for your audience!</span></p><p><strong>What’s New?</strong><br><span style="color: rgb(13, 13, 13);">As a Host, upon entering the event room, you'll notice a shiny new "Media" tab nestled under the chat panel. </span><br></p><figure><img src="https://storage.noticeable.io/projects/WYO8CZGPadfWDRRYjcbY/publications/hwNQZmuvgBVjNJicOcRG/01hsbr94w646ewa8kg9e8setx6-image.png" alt="" loading="lazy" title=""></figure><br><p></p><p>Then click on “Select Media”<br></p><figure><img src="https://storage.noticeable.io/projects/WYO8CZGPadfWDRRYjcbY/publications/hwNQZmuvgBVjNJicOcRG/01hsbra5wfbb9ch7rq089kjqab-image.png" alt="" height="167.23636363636365" loading="lazy" title="" width="219.00000000000003"></figure><br><br><span style="color: rgb(13, 13, 13);">From here, simply cherry-pick the videos from your Wistia account to craft a playlist, ready to dazzle your audience at any moment during the live event. Pro-tip: You can pop into the event room ahead of time to prep your playlist with media goodies.</span><br><figure><img src="https://storage.noticeable.io/projects/WYO8CZGPadfWDRRYjcbY/publications/hwNQZmuvgBVjNJicOcRG/01hsbrbjam3gb9jzkdh7arhddd-image.png" alt="" loading="lazy" title=""></figure><br><p></p><p><span style="color: rgb(13, 13, 13);">Ready to roll? Hit "play on stage" to seamlessly bring your selected video to the forefront and kick-start playback automatically.<br></span> </p><figure><img src="https://storage.noticeable.io/projects/WYO8CZGPadfWDRRYjcbY/publications/hwNQZmuvgBVjNJicOcRG/01hsbrdcenyahm2ftykbw80xte-image.png" alt="" loading="lazy" title=""></figure><br><p></p><p>Click on “Remove from stage” to stop playing the media on stage. You can also click “Play on stage” on a different media to play it.<br></p><figure><img src="https://storage.noticeable.io/projects/WYO8CZGPadfWDRRYjcbY/publications/hwNQZmuvgBVjNJicOcRG/01hsbref6jjqkjkggn7vckse1h-image.png" alt="" loading="lazy" title=""></figure><br><span style="color: rgb(13, 13, 13);">While a video is playing, the stage is all yours; panelists take a back seat until you're ready to bring them back into the spotlight.</span><p></p><p><span style="color: rgb(13, 13, 13);">Get ready to captivate your audience like never before with Wistia's Present Media feature. Let's elevate your live events together! 🌟<br><br></span><span style="color: rgb(42, 45, 53);">Wistia </span>Live<span style="color: rgb(42, 45, 53);"> is available to users on our new </span><a href="https://my.wistia.com/account/plans?utm_source=noticeable&amp;utm_campaign=wyo8czgpadfwdrryjcby.thriving-with-archiving-media&amp;utm_content=publication+link&amp;utm_id=WYO8CZGPadfWDRRYjcbY.YTpQPYoTPiDII3gSqhSn.MSQLTB7IUjdIcqPEGrsA&amp;utm_medium=newspage&amp;utm_source=noticeable&amp;utm_campaign=wyo8czgpadfwdrryjcby.bulk-archive-via-api&amp;utm_content=publication+link&amp;utm_id=WYO8CZGPadfWDRRYjcbY.YTpQPYoTPiDII3gSqhSn.EDvuHbpRvnXPFbXpguvY&amp;utm_medium=newspage"><span style="color: var(--accent-color,#0a7de0);"><span style="text-decoration: underline">Advanced and Premium Plans</span></span></a><span style="color: rgb(42, 45, 53);">! Don’t have one of these plans? </span><a href="https://my.wistia.com/account/plans?utm_source=noticeable&amp;utm_campaign=wyo8czgpadfwdrryjcby.thriving-with-archiving-media&amp;utm_content=publication+link&amp;utm_id=WYO8CZGPadfWDRRYjcbY.YTpQPYoTPiDII3gSqhSn.MSQLTB7IUjdIcqPEGrsA&amp;utm_medium=newspage&amp;utm_source=noticeable&amp;utm_campaign=wyo8czgpadfwdrryjcby.bulk-archive-via-api&amp;utm_content=publication+link&amp;utm_id=WYO8CZGPadfWDRRYjcbY.YTpQPYoTPiDII3gSqhSn.EDvuHbpRvnXPFbXpguvY&amp;utm_medium=newspage"><span style="color: var(--accent-color,#0a7de0);"><span style="text-decoration: underline">Make the switch, or start a trial to le</span></span></a><a href="https://my.wistia.com/account/plans?utm_source=noticeable&amp;utm_campaign=wyo8czgpadfwdrryjcby.thriving-with-archiving-media&amp;utm_content=publication+link&amp;utm_id=WYO8CZGPadfWDRRYjcbY.YTpQPYoTPiDII3gSqhSn.MSQLTB7IUjdIcqPEGrsA&amp;utm_medium=newspage&amp;utm_source=noticeable&amp;utm_campaign=wyo8czgpadfwdrryjcby.bulk-archive-via-api&amp;utm_content=publication+link&amp;utm_id=WYO8CZGPadfWDRRYjcbY.YTpQPYoTPiDII3gSqhSn.EDvuHbpRvnXPFbXpguvY&amp;utm_medium=newspage" rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank"><span style="color: var(--accent-color,#0a7de0);"><span style="text-decoration: underline">arn more.</span></span></a><span style="color: rgb(13, 13, 13);"><br><br>- The Wistia Team</span></p>Yooni Choi[email protected]urn:noticeable:publications:M7gOIpaFk0tVXiCVKK2y2024-03-14T19:18:09.480Z2024-03-14T19:22:56.398Z✨ Main navigation glow upCheck out these fresh updates to how you navigate Wistia.<p>Have you seen our brand’s new look and feel? While we could geek out about branding for a long time, our recent refresh wasn’t just about looks; it’s about making your experience with our app more efficient, accessible, and fun. </p><p>Our new brand identity is bold, playful, and designed with accessibility in mind, ensuring that every user can navigate and use all of our features with ease. To that end, we had some work to do to make navigating Wistia more streamlined.</p><p></p><figure><img src="https://storage.noticeable.io/projects/WYO8CZGPadfWDRRYjcbY/publications/M7gOIpaFk0tVXiCVKK2y/01hryzp6xqjnwkw5fns2z239eq-image.jpg" alt="wistia's updated app navigation featuring links to home, content library, live events, channels, and analytics" loading="lazy" title="wistia's updated app navigation"></figure><p></p><p><strong>Enhanced navigation</strong></p><p>We've given our main navigation a major overhaul. While you'll find most functionalities exactly where you expect them, we've streamlined access to key product areas such as the Content Library, Account Analytics, Channels, and Live features. Our goal? To help you work more efficiently by simplifying the pathways to what you need.</p><p><strong>Easy uploading, important, and recording</strong></p><p>Now, you can start uploading, recording, or importing new media to your account from any page within the app. It's all about making the process smoother, so you can focus on creating great content.</p><p><strong>Private user sessions added to Settings</strong></p><p>We've moved the Private User Sessions feature. You'll now find this option nestled within the Settings menu, making it straightforward to monitor your account activity.</p><p><strong>Support at your fingertips</strong></p><p>Need help? The Support widget is always available in the lower right corner of every page, ensuring you have assistance whenever you need it.</p><p>And that’s it! Stay tuned as we continue to make your experience easier and more streamlined across all of Wistia.</p>Caitlin Kullberg[email protected]