As an account owner in Wistia, you can monitor your account, upload logos, change billing info, and a whole lot more. And thanks to this update, you can now share the power with your teammates. That means, you’re in control, but you don’t have to manage your account alone. 

Now you can have a maximum of three account owners

Owners can do everything users and managers can do, plus:

  • Monitor the usage of the account (bandwidth and videos)

  • Change the account logo, name, and URL

  • Connect/disconnect integrations

  • Create API keys

  • Purchase upgrade, or downgrade a subscription

  • Update billing information

  • Change account status

  • Control video and account access 

If you’re currently an account owner, you can start adding additional owners today. Just head on over to the “Users and Permissions” page to get started.

-Team Wistia