TL;DR? You let us know that the Studio wasn’t exactly easy to use. So, we’re making it more streamlined to record and edit from anywhere in Wistia.

Why is the Studio going away?

Right now, the Studio serves as a central hub for recordings and drafts, allowing users to initiate new recordings or drafts and store them for future access. We received a lot of super helpful feedback from users like you that this workflow was making things harder, not easier.

Plus, when we dug into usage, we also found that most of our users record, edit, and share their media right away! And we think that’s great. But, that also helped us understand that the Studio was a temporary space and not meeting your needs. Now that you know the “why” let’s dig into the “when.”

When is the Studio going away?

Don’t worry; we’re giving you plenty of time to adjust before we remove the Studio. Here’s a look at the timeline of our phased approach:

We aim to remove the studio in early January 2024.

Through 2023 you’ll notice us streamlining some things:

  • October: Any new recordings you make will become media automatically.

  • November: Every media will only have one draft state and we’ll prompt you to move your drafts and recordings out of the Studio, and into the Content Library.

And that’s it! We’ll send you an email once the Studio is gone and we’ll be here for you throughout the process.

While we might be saying goodbye to the "Studio", recording and editing are still at your fingertips—now more accessible than ever.


Why is the Studio being phased out?

We want to provide you with the best Wistia experience. And after extensive research, we concluded that Studio added more complexity than benefits. Our new direction makes it easier than ever to create videos efficiently.

What was the Studio's purpose?

The Studio functioned as a repository for recordings and drafts. It allowed users to initiate and store recordings and drafts privately.

How does this impact my drafts and recordings?

With this update, each media will link to one draft, which updates automatically. Recordings will be stored directly as media within the Content Library. That means you can embed or share them with anyone, right away.

Note: Because recordings will automatically become media, that means you might reach your media limits faster. But, don’t worry. We’ll let you know if that’s the case so you can decide whether to keep, archive, or delete your media. There shouldn’t be any surprises for you!

What about ongoing drafts in Studio?

We recommend you save any in-progress edits to your Content Library, before Studio's phase-out.

How can I initiate a new recording without the Studio?

We've made recordings more discoverable! Click “New” in the Content Library to start a recording. A '+' icon in the top navigation bar that makes it easy to record from anywhere is coming soon.

Will you offer guides during this transition?

Absolutely! Starting in November 2023, in-app communications will guide users through these changes. Plus, our customer-facing teams are ready to help

When will these changes be implemented?

Changes will be rolled out between October and January. The Studio will be officially removed by January 1, 2024.

How do I ensure no work is lost during this transition?

You’ll have until the end of 2023 to move, delete, or archive your recordings and drafts. Any content left in the Studio will be soft deleted in case something crucial gets removed.

As we transition away from Studio, we’re committed to supporting you along the way. Just let us know if there’s anything we can do to help.

Have more questions? Please don't hesitate to reach out to our [email protected], and we'll be right with you.

This information is also available in our help center.