about 2 years ago➡️ Streamline your workflows with the Wistia + Zoom Integrationby Carlon McPherson, Group Product ManagerNew FeatureAll PlansSave time by automatically sending Zoom cloud recordings right into Wistia!
about 2 years agoFind it faster with filtersby Yooni ChoiNow you can sort all of your media by tags or archive status!
about 2 years ago🪡New! Stitch your clipsby Ariana KornblauHave a bumper waiting in the wings? Now you can add more videos to your timeline with stitching. You told us that you wanted to add bumpers, intros, outros, and other clips to your editing timeline in Wistia. And instead of saying “you
about 2 years agoNew! See where your video is embedded before you delete it 👀by Kelsey StevensEmbed locations show you when and where a video is still getting views (before you delete it).
about 2 years agoNew! Grid View in Projectsby Kelsey StevensTry Grid View in Projects today to scrub through your videos & see those thumbnails a bit bigger. Find your media faster by using Grid View!
about 2 years ago🗂 Thriving with archiving (media)by Kelsey StevensNeed to clear up some space? Archive those dusty videos (without deleting a thing).
over 2 years agoRearrange Clips with Editingby Ariana KornblauThanks to this update, in addition to trimming, splitting, and deleting, you can rearrange clips on your timeline! To arrange to your heart’s content, split your media on the timeline. That will create clips that you can drag anywhere you
over 2 years agoTag! Your (videos) are it 🏷by Yooni Choi, Product ManagerNew FeatureTidy up your account with tagging!
over 2 years agoStream to multiple destinations with Wistia Live 📺by Delphine MahosNew FeatureWe’ve added the ability for you to simulcast the live events and webinars you host with Wistia Live! All webinars hosted with Wistia Live will still stream to our hosted page, however you can now stream to up to 5 additional platforms of